Lessons We Learned While Camping

Camping is a fun, affordable way to get outside and relax in the fresh air with family and friends! When you do get outside, whether for a day camp or a longer excursion, you will find that there are also many lessons to be learned from the experience. Here are a few of the lessons we have learned while camping in the great Canadian outdoors.

1) You don’t need a lot of “stuff” in life

We tend to live with a lot of “stuff” in our lives. However, when camping you tend to shed the “stuff” and just bring the essentials with you. You start to realize that all you need in life are the basics: food, water, shelter, clothing and the rest are all luxuries. Yes, the luxuries are nice to have but life can be so enjoyable without it, and you may even forget about them while enjoying the fresh air!

2) A new respect for nature

Sometimes in our everyday lives we tend to forget about the beauty nature has to offer. While camping, we are surrounded by mother nature, and come to appreciate and realize how spectacular the world really is. You’ll roast your marshmallows thanks to the firewood provided by the trees, you’ll wake to the sounds of birds chirping, and you’ll have a smile on your face when you take in a deep breath of fresh air.

3) Hard work pays off

Setting up your camp isn’t always easy! You may have to carry your equipment for some time before you get to your camp site, and once you arrive at your camp site you will need to set up your tent, set up an eating area, unload and set up and other equipment you may have, and then start a fire. It can be quite an exhausting task! But you quickly learn, that even though setting up may be difficult it is all worth it in the end when you are relaxing by the fire!

4) Take more time to unplug from life

In our everyday lives we are often “plugged in” more times than not with our phones, computers and televisions. However, when camping we often cannot be “plugged in” and must take a break from being on our phones and other electronics and enjoy the outdoors we are surrounded by. Camping reminds us that we need to take more time to unplug and enjoy our time with our family and friends.

5) Not all problems are solvable

No matter how prepared you are sometimes a problem cannot be solved while camping. For example, if it starts to rain, you have no power to stop mother nature. Rather than complaining that it is wet and your trip is ruined, it is better to take a positive look at things. You can’t control or solve the problem so make the best out of it by jumping in the puddles!

6) Teamwork

When camping you quickly learn that things get done faster and more efficiently when you work together with your family and friends. Setting up camp, can sometimes be difficult on your own. Rather than trying to set up your camp and do things all on your own, working together makes life much easier.

7) Learning to get out of your comfort zone

Camping isn’t always full of luxurious comfort. It can sometimes be uncomfortable to sleep in a tent, or on the ground, with the sounds of nature around you. However, you quickly learn that by getting out of your comfort zone, you can explore new places, see new things and enjoy more of what life has to offer!

8) Life is beautiful

No matter where you choose to camp you are surrounded by life! The life of the wildlife that you encounter, the life of happy children laughing, and the life of the trees that surround you. While camping, you can put your feet up, relax and truly appreciate how beautiful life can really be!